Monday 3 March 2008


*checking through dictionaries....*
Bitch 1)a spiteful or unpleasant woman
2)something difficult or unpleasant
3)make spiteful(a desire to hurt,annoy or offend) comments
wuu~ so i wonder who is the one 'bitch'ing eh?
If you think your words can hurt me or whatsoever u intend to cause,SORRY,you've failed.
Instead you are making urself silly u know-.-
pls lah,live ur own life n leave mine~!
i ll only spend my time on my friends who deserve it.
oh ya,another word;
coward:a person who is too scared to do dangerous/unpleasant things.
If u really want to make my life a miserable one,spamming my cbox is the least effective way,the most stupid one I'd say.
LOL waste my time nia, giving this 'lecture'.


Arrancar said...

woots... Nice new layout... Kinda funny to think u'd waste time on an article like this just to entertain some ppl :D

Eve said...

bored ma
dunno what to update-.-
u so long no update liao also horr??

Arrancar said...

LOL... oh well.. as u can c from the last few entries, it was kinda depressing. So in a way i've lost my muse. Maybe when my muse comes back i'll blog again...