and wth i'm doin now??!!
nth actually,hafta wait for cousin to be back home as she left her key at home..
suddenly feel like blogging..
something that makes me feel like laughing now...
Laura thought that i'm mad at her for failing to join our-yesterday-planned outing today..
Its especially for my loupo Ivy cos she ll be going back on Tuesday..
At last minutes,d outing has been cancelled off..
My phone ran out of credit so Laura thought i'm angry of her.
I couldnt reply her in msn as she was appearing offline and i was signing in using ebuddy.
And again,she thought i'm really angry.
nvm la
tmr can act as if i'm mad at her then laugh at her=p
aiyorr..this gal ah..
Laura Kong,dont you know my real person???
Be mad at Ice Cream i also wont be mad at u arh...
touched or not??
U r as important as my sunny.hill's ice cream=)
but priority given to ice cream cos it melts and u dont..
My heart melts when i read this msg from her just now:
Hey hippo..U angry cnt go out tis noon ha?Dun angry le,tml my treat lor,only u ar..So no nid to bring food liao..
-.- so cute hor my bestie laura??!!
*heart* her^.^
So instead of going out with my girls[yen+ivy+laura+von] today,I go out with my mum pula...
I:Ehh maa,pass me d carkey liao!
Mum:No way.In hurry now,Shi Qiu Auntie waiting for us at her house.She wanna give us fish n prawns..
I:Hmmpf *jump to the passenger seat*

while convincing my mum i wont get myself into accident liao..

When mum says 'No way'...I made these ugly faces..


pls larh...

nvm then,dont let i drive lagiklah bagus!
i camwhore lo!

yeahh can c my hair color lehh-.-


lately got lots pimples on my face leh!!!erhhhh it has been 10 months since i last had my facial treatment..LOL after CNy must pamper myself with one..then ponteng sch one week=X
whoopss hope lah miss png dont read this!

*getting crazy*

so after getting d smelly fish+prawns from auntie=X..
we headed to Jenny Boutique at Green Road...
Wanted to collect my cousin's trousers..
But mum jio me go c c whether got new arrival or not..
Fuyohhhhhh crowded ah weeeeeeeee~~!

B4 trying clothes..*vain*

D pants teramat sangat tight okayy-.-

stand a bit to d back gives slimmer effect or not?LOL

last pants i tried before going back,didnt buy it though.

WELL..mum bought a lot of cny cookies+teabites+candies from Jenny-2 full big plastic bags!
And i bought 2 tops,2 dresses,and 1 pair of pants for RM120++ nia...sibeh cheap horr?
I think so la,worth it lehh..Every clothes discounted RM10,shoes also..
CNY eve even more cheap ALL HALF PRICE...go see la..
although i add 'salt+vinegar' when my friends claim that Jenny sells aH MA clothes..
haha,not totally la...maybe la,cos i got away all d non-ah ma clothes edy...wakaka *evil grins*
hahaha.....dis post super vain eh!! hahahaha u got more clothes den wad i got for a 'mouse' ahh hahahhaa
lol~ i always though gals' clothes are moar expensive, i bought 2 BUM shirts for Rm65, 2 PDi shirts ppl gib gratis, and a pair of jeans for Rm100+. less than yours, more expensiv than yours. lol~ -.-!
u know, taking photos on clothes u wear in a boutique and not buying it, ppl can sue u for patent copyright. :P
happy chinese new year kitty cat! >.<
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